Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Knitting in translation

*sigh* As April progresses stubbornly towards completion all life screams in my face about all the things that need doing - mostly the conference paper I have to write for early May and my fields in June.

So I plow through, hoping to remember something along the way.

My other two pairs of socks got finished at the conference in Boston - (one pair of well rinsed socks now hang in my bathroom, free of runny blue dye).

But now back to 'Juliana' - *10mins Old English, 1 row of knitting* repeat until line 246 is reached (or my head explodes, whichever).

I'm now in earnest working on the lace shawl I bought everything for in the fall. I started it once already and nearly gave myself a coronary trying to figure it out, so I put it away. But since I'm in stash knitting mode right now I figured I'd try it again, so far I've only screwed it up a couple of times, but each time I realized it and was able to figure out what was going on. But it remains to be seen how it will turn out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh I'll be curious to see your shawl progress. I'm sorry you had to do so much re-starting. Sending you plenty of lace-mojo to get it going again...